Caribou Gear Tarp

Recent content by Wisconsin

  1. W

    2022 Colorado draw results!!!!

    I mean I am not going to audit their CPW account, but each said they have three points. For the record, I suspect the same thing. But it is what it is. I am still chasing elk this fall, just in a new woods!
  2. W

    2022 Colorado draw results!!!!

    Our group applied for archery elk, each of us had three points, and applied in a unit with 100% draw odds at 1 point. We didn't draw. Point creep is real. Regardless, OTC here we come!
  3. W

    Colorado 2022 Draw Results

    Yes, sorry corrected it.
  4. W

    Colorado 2022 Draw Results

    Well got another elk point. There must have been a lot of new hunters applying in this unit. I had 3 points, in a unit which gohunt shows 100% draw odds with 1 point. Interesting. OTC it is!
  5. W

    Lazy Friends

    As others have said. Just go do it, and plan to be by yourself. I had been trying to organize a group for two years, and as soon as applying for tags came along, so did all their excuses. Granted two have kids, things can always be arranged in such a way that they are cared for while you are...
  6. W

    Looking for a Mentor

    Like others have said, OTC Colorado should be what you do this year. I drive out ever year from Houston, and this year was the first year I flew out to scout. My advice, just go do it. Invite others, but don't wait on them. If you get yourself gohunt, onx, and read this forum, listen to ElkTalk...
  7. W

    Do you REALLY not like the kill?

    For me, the kill has always been a major sense of relief, joy, and happiness. First, that I put the shot in the right spot. Second, the animal probably never knew what hit it. Third, that entire animal is going to be put to good use. I think I am this way only because the first deer I shot at, I...
  8. W

    Colorado Draw System in Chaos

    We drew. Got a scouting trip in the works already, can't wait for October to get here. I do hope Colorado raises the up front application price though after seeing the sheep app numbers this year.
  9. W

    Colorado Application increases

    Wow. That really doesn't bode well for drawing anything with 0-1 points. Glad I chose Colorado as my first solo elk hunt. Might be looking at OTC Idaho now. We well see how the elk draw pan's out.
  10. W

    Prepping for Colorado

    Just a suggestion on water filter. Ditch it for a steri pen. I use the MSR system, and ditched it for a steri pen. There is too much to go wrong with the filters/lines freezing or cracking if you drop it (Ask me how I know). Also, get yourself some iodine tablets. They weigh nothing, and if all...
  11. W

    2017 Elk Hunt - Lessons Learned from a 1st Timer

    I don't contribute much to this site since 2018 will be my second year elk hunting. I did the same thing you did in 2017 with my own elk hunt, and I currently live in Texas. With out Fresh Tracks, Meat Eater, OnX, and Gohunt, I would have given up by now trying to plan any trip out west hunting...
  12. W

    Wisconsin First Elk Hunt

    That's awesome. Hopefully with the added media presence, more money will get dumped into growth of the heard. I would love to see an elk whitetail hunting from a stand.
  13. W

    Texas Hunting Friends

    I live in Houston too, and am going to chase turkeys at LBJ National Grasslands this spring (March 31-May 13). If you want to join in the fun, let me know. It's my first time hunting Rio's, first time hunting turkeys in Texas. Moved here from Wisconsin a few years ago. Going to be a learning...

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