Recent content by Topdog

  1. Topdog

    New Mexico Unit 34 Elk Questions

    You’ll be looking at staying in Cliudcroft hotels, not fancy but work. There are tons of elk in the area but look for areas that are not by the roads and be willing to hunt where the others hunters won’t be. Easy access areas are way over hunted and are not productive. Look for areas that are...
  2. Topdog

    New Mexico Unit 34 Elk Questions

    If you have more questions let me know. I’ll be up there for a deer hunt in November and I have a ton of points on Onyx for the area
  3. Topdog

    New Mexico Unit 34 Elk Questions

    I’ve hunted the area for the past eight years. The area gets a lot of hunters so packing in is your best bet. There are a ton of elk in the area but the nice ones know to stay away from roads and two tracks. The closest town is cloudcroft but there is not a lot to pick from. You can drive down...
  4. Topdog

    NM Hunter looking for a partner/mentor.

    Where are you located in NM? I have an archery in 34 the third week of December ?
  5. Topdog

    Quick Detach rings seem to work.

    Not trying to be mean but it looks like you need some more range time. Your grouping rally need some work! Take the time at the range to help build confidence in you abilities
  6. Topdog

    What do I do?

    Take it to the range and shoot them. Find out which one “you” like the best and shoot the best with. Time behind the trigger and proper shooting form will always beat out rather one scope or the other is better.
  7. Topdog

    best budget spotting scope

    I would a vortex. I bought a few years ago and love. Good price and perfect warranty but doesn’t break the bank.
  8. Topdog

    Tripods 101

    Depending on your usage, I went with a vortex highcountry II. so far it’s been great ! And if it breaks then they’ll fix is a no brained to me.
  9. Topdog

    Howdy from NorthWest Texas!

    Let me know next April I can definitely help make your planning logistics and locations to hunt.
  10. Topdog

    Southwestern Ohio

    Welcome from New Mexico
  11. Topdog

    New Member Questions

    What state are you looking at ?
  12. Topdog

    New Mexico Unit 34 Elk Questions

    I am not saying they are bad maybe I came at a really busy time or there were other problems
  13. Topdog

    Howdy from NorthWest Texas!

    You might try 34 in NM next year. I’ve that unit for the last seven years for deer and elk and have a pretty good idea on the logistics and where to find the game.
  14. Topdog

    First Southwestern US hunting trip 2022 Oryx (picture heavy)

    Every plant in New Mexico have thorns on them, and I live here. But we have things like Barbary sheep , ibex , oryx and bighorn. Not to exclude HUGE elk and deer
  15. Topdog

    What the heck is this?

    It’s a rain water gathering tool. It catches the rain and usually feeds into a pipe system
Caribou Gear

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