Recent content by Rancho Loco

  1. R

    Elk burger tips

    Half of the batch I add 10 % beef fat, the other half I grind with bacon and add shredded cheddar for stuffed burgers.
  2. R

    Being a Man in the Modern World

    You people are worried about being manly and are also listening to podcasts?
  3. R


    WTF are we supposed to be nice to trust fund californians now? I can't keep up...
  4. R

    What would you have done?

    "accidental discharge" in the ear.
  5. R

    How do I field Score a Trophy Cow Elk?

    You don't get B tags? :cool:
  6. R

    Best 30 caliber bullet for a grizzly?

    I know this is crazy to admit on the internet, but my opinion won't be near as good as your guide's.
  7. R

    Best 30 caliber bullet for a grizzly?

    So stick with me here... Have you tried asking your guide?
  8. R

    Best 30 caliber bullet for a grizzly?

    This a guided hunt?
  9. R

    Hunting season preparations, what did you do today?

    8 months post op on Monday - torn rotator cuff and shredded biceps tendon. Put on a new fall away and backed down the bow to 55 lbs and I can start shooting again. Pro-tip: Avoid shoulder surgery. Recovery sucks balls.
  10. R

    Let’s talk chainsaws!

    Long bars are great for clearing brush, too.
  11. R

    Top 10 Western State Self Promoters

    Randy, can this piece of shit. Enough is enough.
  12. R

    Use Enough Gun

    Tell us the story of the 400lb boar again. Pretty please? And don't leave out the part about spouting whale blood.
  13. R

    De-publicize, De-glorify and De-monetize Western State Hunting

    Perfect. "Demonitize" the state's F&W departments. Super idea. See what happens with that plan.
  14. R

    Use Enough Gun

    I'd try like hell to catch Stephanie Gallo's eye while picking up a sandwich at the Dry Creek General store after pig hunting, but alas, it never happened.