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Recent content by propane_cooker

  1. propane_cooker

    Big SK bear down!

    Sweet bear!
  2. propane_cooker


    Man, those are huge... I've caught smallies that were way smaller than that.
  3. propane_cooker


    I confess I am going to steal that joke. Thats a funny one.
  4. propane_cooker

    A lack of science?

    Heh heh I had to look up C3H8... been awhile since university chemistry. Lots of good points and discussion in this thread.
  5. propane_cooker

    A lack of science?

    I had run across this, read the article with the intention of going back and hadn't until I saw this post. I read the study, and I would encourage everyone to. I also looked at the supplemental information which included a spreadsheet of all the collected data. If someone has a lot of time on...
  6. propane_cooker

    I am going sheep hunting this weekend!!!!!

    I'm thinking the reason for not transplanting is in the explanation the biologist gave to Brando. More than likely to big a risk of pneumonia transmission from being too close to domestic sheep. Cool experience to be a part of a targeted management plan.
  7. propane_cooker

    Talk some sense into me (semiauto)

    I did a lot of looking when I was getting into bird hunting. I bought a PA-08 Weatherby (pump). I have been slightly disappointed with it as it seems to jam every once and a while and the sling stud on the magazine cap pulled through. That being said I think the Weatherby SA-08 is a different...
  8. propane_cooker

    Hunter from Norway

    Hi Eurohunter. Congratulations on the new baby. I'm not from the U.S. either (Canadian) but hope to do western style hunts in the future. I don't know about anyone else but I would sure like to here about what hunting is like in Norway and see any pictures you care to share. Look forward to...
  9. propane_cooker

    Schnee's Outlook Boots

    Anyone have Schnee's Outlook boots? I'm looking at buying a pair of good uninsulated boots mostly for everyday wear and summer hiking. Can't find much in the way of reviews on them. Thanks in advance.
  10. propane_cooker

    Anyone see Hostiles

    Hostiles is definitely on my list to see. Although now that I think of it I can't remember the last time I saw a movie in the theatre... I'm with Old Ranger. Open Range is one of my favorites, and I felt like it was pretty realistic in it's gunfight depictions. Can't say I recall when Costner...
  11. propane_cooker

    Thunder Basin National Grassland

    Thanks again for all the info and comments everyone. On second look I guess Topgun 30-06 is right, wouldn't be able to do 27 by 2020. I was thinking if we applied in 2018 and 2019 we would get 2 points and be able to purchase 2 points as well. I now realize that we can not purchase preference...
  12. propane_cooker

    Brand new users asking for unit and draw advice.... conversation -

    I would like to offer my 2 cents. I am new to this forum so I tried to become involved by introducing myself, and posting about my hunting experiences in my area. I, like many others, also posted a question about antelope hunting in a certain area very shortly after joining. I knew I was pushing...
  13. propane_cooker

    No feral hogs in MT, but a few questions

    Precisely why they made the rule. As stated in the article there are feral hogs in Canada. We even have a reporting site (just run by a guy who wants to do it). http://wildboarcanada.ca/#sthash.be91jQeg.dpbs As it also states in the article our population is somewhat unusual. There was a big...
  14. propane_cooker

    New threat to hunting

    I'm from Canada, Manitoba not BC though. This ban on Grizzly hunting is really disturbing to me. It is a total vote grab by the government in that province and not based on science at all. Thanks for pointing out that Shane Mahoney podcast. I was looking for a voice of reason who could give some...
  15. propane_cooker

    Rinella smoked bear ham

    I should say that I use most of this process. I don't wrap it in bacon or use the pre-smoke rub. I usually brush a little honey on the outside and some pepper. Soaking in cold water is the prefered method for reducing the saltiness. Guys do this when making bacon as well. I've got 40lbs of side...

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