Recent content by mtelkhntr78

  1. mtelkhntr78

    MT stream access under attack

    Thanks Ben! You are my "go-to" when I look for straight forward info on sportsman issues. I wish we didn't have to spend so much time and resources on things like this. Individuals greed never stops amazing me!
  2. mtelkhntr78

    Bighorn sheep maccess zone 680?

    Ben, Do you happen to know which MCA allows for FWP to release the names and addresses of permit applicants? I am curious the legalities of using that information for private business? mtelkhntr
  3. mtelkhntr78

    Who do you read?

    Larry McMurty Cormac McCarthy Steve Rinella
  4. mtelkhntr78

    Hilleberg Nallo 2 w/Footprint

    I am interested. I will PM. Thanks!
  5. mtelkhntr78

    FS: Garmin Rino 530

    Still for sale?
  6. mtelkhntr78

    Obama gets his way with the UN Gun Ban Treaty

    I was so hopefull!
  7. mtelkhntr78


    Not tolerable without earplugs. Immense recoil reduction but very very painful to listen too.
  8. mtelkhntr78


    Best of luck Randy!
  9. mtelkhntr78

    Wanna hunt wild bison?

    Ben, I tried that link and it kept coming up bad. Do you have another or another try? Thanks for all you do! You are making a difference.
  10. mtelkhntr78

    Wanna hunt wild bison?

    Ben, Do you have any links that we can speak up on this issue? I agree..who in the heck votes for these clowns???
  11. mtelkhntr78

    If you put in for 680 ram see this!!!

    I have hard time thinking that there would'nt be hunt clubs and leased land if 161 [B]didn't [B] pass. Has nothing to do with 161 and everything with greed and an outfitter in the Bear Paws with an ego.
  12. mtelkhntr78

    Got an extra 17 to 21K to spend?...move over CDS

    We were looking at this on youtube the other day. Pretty damn cool. The only question I had was how does it compensate for wind?
  13. mtelkhntr78

    alittle ice fishing

    Nice job! Fishing tournament I am guessing? How did you do?