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Recent content by Johnny44

  1. J

    We found the ducks this weekend

    On the drive home last night I saw a field that looked identical. Somewhere between 15-20 geese. I sent him a pic of that too! He doesn't like to let facts get in the way of a good narrative. He's kinda like a democrat I reckon!
  2. J

    We found the ducks this weekend

    Corn stalks with a cover crop? I have a buddy who swears that doesn't work; has to be shelled corn stalks with nothing else. I will be showing him this pic! Congrats on two fine days!
  3. J

    PA deer season begins!

    Back in 2D with the flintlock. Been in all day and haven’t seen a thing. Frustrating but better than the couch. Still have a couple hours plus tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed.
  4. J

    New hunter for partner in Michigan

    I'd take you if I was close. DM for my number and I'd be happy to talk you through things should you need help.
  5. J

    PA deer season begins!

    I was only able to hunt last Thursday and Friday. Normally see 30-60 deer (obviously that's probably a lot of the same deer being seen multiple times) in an all day sit on our farm in 2D. In 17ish hours of hunting I only saw 8 deer, no shooters. Several factors to consider on why that was...
  6. J

    Chilly morning on the trap line

    Hard No from me. I don't know how you deal with that. I am struggling with mid 20s!! More power to ya.
  7. J

    Back in the Vizsla rescue loop

    Special place for people like you! Appreciate your work.
  8. J

    Back in the Vizsla rescue loop

    Beautiful dog. I'll second bobbydean; not sure how you foster dogs. I'd have 1,000. That's actually my win the lottery goal, to have a dog rescue. Vizslas are awesome. My buddy has one and it is just the coolest dog. He does not use it to hunt. On the rescue topic, does anyone have...
  9. J

    Duck hunters robbed

    I have always wondered who/why would anyone attempt to rob a hunter? I guess I know now.
  10. J

    Shooting at Reelfoot

    This sucks. I had an experience this year where I got beat to the spot I was planning to go to. Guys didn't seem friendly so I just moved on to another spot. Another truck was there as well. Told him what my plans were and that I had 2 buddies on their way (I'm the early riser, spot claimer...
  11. J

    The swamp provides

    I shot a couple when I lived in Georgia and not getting one mounted is a huge regret. Luckily there are some in Ohio so I may be able to make it right.
  12. J

    Getting Ducks/Geese to Finish

    You guys keep adding some great stuff for me to consider. Once again, thank you. Wish I had done this earlier.
  13. J

    Getting Ducks/Geese to Finish

    I've been looking into the butt up feeders that move. Any recommendations?
  14. J

    Getting Ducks/Geese to Finish

    What ratio do you recommend?
  15. J

    Getting Ducks/Geese to Finish

    This is funny. I'm a teacher and baseball coach, one buddy does crossfit (yea, he's batshit crazy), the other is a farmer. I keep bitching about getting older, but when it comes to hunting I'll walk through hell in a gasoline suit (nod to Pete Rose if I am not mistaken) if I think it will help.
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