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Recent content by jeremyA1987

  1. jeremyA1987

    Colorado Results?

    Got archery either sex deer and 2nd season cow elk.. gonna be a good year in the woods! Now just need to hear about CO and WY antelope.
  2. jeremyA1987

    Would you rather - Trophy solo or Shooter w/buddy

    I'd answer both! But I'm OK without a trophy. Every year I have a couple tags that I go solo, hike a lot, and hunt hard; I love the solitude and the challenge of going solo. I also have a couple tags a year that are for buddies; my two brothers and I put in for the same elk tag this year for...
  3. jeremyA1987

    Wyoming, New Mexico , Montana Draw result question

    Deer and elk draw dates for Wyoming are different.. Down on page 4:
  4. jeremyA1987

    Elk bedding

    I'm pretty sure you are correct on the meaning of that red line, I never thought too much about it. The red x's where those elk bed is actually paralleling a private boundary. That road one ridge over has houses on both sides and is the side of a large subdivision. The elk bed on the crest of...
  5. jeremyA1987

    Elk bedding

    I've seen elk bedded in dark timber, fields, wooded sides of hills, bare sides of hills..... they bed pretty much wherever you find elk bedded. Here is an example of one of my go-to spots to find bedded elk. Its a flat ridge top with bare ground, trees on both sides.
  6. jeremyA1987

    If you were to rank states by ease of website to put in for hunts.

    Totally right.. Never had to experience that; I have seen the line outside the CPW office on the leftover day through, didn't look like a lot of fun.
  7. jeremyA1987

    If you were to rank states by ease of website to put in for hunts.

    I guess I'm going to be in the minority here, I actually think Colorado's system works pretty well. I've only been hunting for about five years and didn't have anyone to walk me through how to apply the first time, so the first year there was some stumbling through and figuring it out. But since...
  8. jeremyA1987

    Season 8

    Yup! I tried everything last night trying to make it work, restarted the Wifi, unplugged the Xbox, tried to plugging it in to the router, etc.. My wife yelled at me and told me to just be patient, she just doesn't understand LOL.
  9. jeremyA1987

    Season 8

    I can't agree more; Season 8 Episode 1 was one of the best I have ever watched! I was getting an error message on it until this afternoon then it started working randomly.
  10. jeremyA1987

    New hunter

    Welcome! Colorado is a great place to get into hunting; lots of outdoor opportunities within a short driving distance. CPW's Hunter Outreach program is a great place to start: Once their office is back open for normal business I would...
  11. jeremyA1987

    Fresh Tracks now live on Amazon Prime

    I've been re-watching most of Season 2 and 3 this week.. My wife is pretty good with it until I start busting out the maps or cleaning guns. Definitely looking forward to the new season coming out!
  12. jeremyA1987

    1st Solo elk confessions/lessons learned

    That sounds like a great adventure and a huge learning experience! No shame in that. I applaud you for trying something new and getting after it solo.
  13. jeremyA1987

    Gauze or No Gauze

    I carry a first aid kit all the time; just lives in the bottom of my day pack. It's about the size of a 1liter water bottle. It goes with me for all fishing, camping, hunting, hiking, and all school trips (outdoor education and track/field). Besides Band-Aids and topical antibiotic the most used...
  14. jeremyA1987

    Don’t laugh... What is your hunting rig?

    The outback would probably be just fine. You would have to be mindful of the weather; snow or rain and those dirt roads in Wyoming turn to a slick mess. Depends on when/where I'm going. If I can I just take my wife's Corolla. If I'm expecting bad weather or roads I take my F150. Next open tag is...
  15. jeremyA1987

    WY Unit 34 Nimmo Ranch

    Good info, thanks for sharing! I heard the same thing about the state lands inside NIMMO, but then I read this: Enforcement of it might depend on on who stops you or who you are talking too. I've got a pronghorn doe tag for 34 and a whitetail doe for 15 (pretty much same area) and I'm just...

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