Recent content by Buckshot

  1. B

    Wolves attack and kill hounds....

    Jose- For some reason it says I'm unauthorized to look at that link...guess I'm just not important enough. As for the names you call your crescent wrench...I guarantee they pale in comparison to the names we call our dogs when they're screwing up! I think putting a price on a horse or a dog...
  2. B

    Wolves attack and kill hounds....

    Wow, the range of responses to this amazes me. I was feeling kinda bad about calling out Jose because I assumed just about any hunter would feel empathy for what that guy went through with his dogs…but now it’s looking like that’s not necessarily the case at all. So I apologize Jose. I guess...
  3. B

    Wolves attack and kill hounds....

    Jose, In order to restore my faith in hunters in general I hope there's some reason other than the obvious that you asked why this story was sad. Like maybe you're just playing dumb. If that's the case, congratulations! win the stupid contest! Or maybe it was a poor attempt at...
  4. B

    kitty cat

    Congratulations Kurt. That's a dandy. Like I said before, now that you've had a taste of it your bow and bugle will do nothing but gather dust and you'll have a whole yard full of potlickers by next year at this time. You might even want to plan ahead and put the best divorce attorney in town...
  5. B

    Looking for a tracking collar

    Thanks Gato, those are close but I couldn't pick 'em up with my box. Was that or what where you saw them. Any suggestions on any other boards to check?
  6. B

    Looking for a tracking collar

    I've got more dogs than collars now and am looking for another one or two in the 219.100-219.199 range. I'd prefer one with a treeing switch but realize beggars can't be choosers. Anybody out there got more collars than dogs? George, you're always wheelin' and dealin''ve probably got...
  7. B

    The FREAK!

    Unbelievably awesome, you ugly SOB!! You're like Babe Ruth pointing to the stands before he knocks another one out of the park....except your called shots are a hell of a lot more difficult than hitting a ball with a stick. Congrats on the bull too, he's no slacker himself.
  8. B

    Idaho Bear Hunt

    That isn't my neck of the woods but if I understand the regs right then the first tag a nonresident buys for those areas is only $31.50.
  9. B

    Idaho Bear Hunt

    Jason Lee is close, nonresident license is $128.50 and the tag is $235.00. You can get the reduced price bear tag in the areas you mentioned for $31.50. But keep in mind the reason they want more bears killed in there is that it's remote country and they don't think it gets hunted enough. You...
  10. B

    Bear Huntin' Story

    Hell yes I have pictures. I'm a professional aren't I? (Rhetorical question which means you aren't suppossed to answer) I was just waiting for some yahoo like you to call BS. There were actually a lot more antlers on top of Greenie when I found him but I'd managed to pack quite a few off...
  11. B

    Bear Huntin' Story

    It was April 1st, opening day of bear season here in northern Idaho and the sun was just coming up over the western ridgeline. I was perched in a giant oak tree overlooking a superb patch of nicely ripened huckleberries. I was very confident in my choice of areas as I'd recently learned via...
  12. B

    Buckshot !!

    Hey Gato, I'd say the only thing getting in the way of you coming up for a bobcat hunt would be you getting in your truck and coming on up. If you can plan for a time when I don't have clients I'd tag along. There are quite a few bobcats and unless the snow just totally sucks we can usually...
  13. B

    Hound hunting - only for the exreme athlete

    Hey Kurt, I didn't see all the stuff but I saw enough of it to know what WW's motivation was for this post. The post didn't bother me, especially coming from you two guys because I know how you are.......but on the other hand I figured I had to at least say something since I was personally...
  14. B

    Buckshot !!

    Hey George, I've been in all the same places doing all the same things! Lion and bobcat hunting December-March, bear hunting in May and now I'm cruising timber and trying to get the pot-lickers out occasionally with the intent of putting the run on a bruin but with my culls it's just as likely...
  15. B

    Hound hunting - only for the exreme athlete

    Hey George, I reckon the point Ol' WW was trying to make was that since the old (top left), the young (pictures #2 and #5), women (picture #4), and even the hideously ugly (top right) have killed lions over dogs that it must be very easy and not worthy of any true sportsman's time. You and I...
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