Caribou Gear Tarp

Recent content by b_ilse

  1. b_ilse

    Compare 270 loads, Nosler 130 partition vs 140 accubond

    I've had great great results running 130gr AB, don't see why 140s wouldn't do the same.
  2. b_ilse

    Hunting after knee replacement

    Pretty exciting week for me last week. Knee finally took a turn in the right direction and gained substantial ground. Doc gave me full clearance 5mo post-op. Been going for very short runs and continuing workouts. Elk hunting this fall is looking very promising health wise!!
  3. b_ilse

    A couple Roosevelt pics

    Picked some pretty good spots for your cams! Great pics!!
  4. b_ilse

    Elk application in MN

    I threw my hat in the ring as well. Be fun to hunt in MN for a change.
  5. b_ilse

    Practical Hiking Slope/Vertical Gain Limitations While Hunting

    Practical distance will all depends on your fitness level and desire to go further. For some, thats 6 miles; while others, it’s 25. To throw a dart at the wall, I’d say 12-15 is on the upper end. Sure there’s days where I’ve had longer and have had shorter but I’d say that’s around the average...
  6. b_ilse

    Boots for Elk Hunting?

    I concur with the others on the amount of thinsulate. Even if you're sitting still, your feet could sweat a lot on the way to where you're going to sit and then freeze when you get there. As with everything, it's entirely up to you.
  7. b_ilse

    A (Probably/Likely) Really Dumb Question

    I do most of my hunting out of a beavertail stealth. Love the stability of it. Little heavier than a tube or kayak but it's a trade off for space over a tube and better stability than a kayak. I load mine in and out of my truck by myself, so that's something to consider.
  8. b_ilse

    Hunting after knee replacement

    There's some doctors out there that are stuck in the mindset that a replacement joint is tied to a certain age. I'm 35 and my doc didn't bat an eye over my age and needing a replacement. It seems like a lot of the concern is if you wear it out, then you might need another one in 10+ years. My...
  9. b_ilse

    Hunting after knee replacement

    I’m curious for those that have had full or partial knee replacements; how long before you hunted again? Did it affect how you hunt? How was the aches and pain during the hunt? I’m currently laid up 2 weeks post-op from a partial knee replacement. Got a long road or recovery and therapy for...
  10. b_ilse

    First time elk hunter

    Also keep in mind the date changes for 2nd rifle. I want to say by 2021, 2nd rifle will start like 29 Oct. They are undergoing a pretty substantial change over the next 2 years
  11. b_ilse

    Idaho hates NRs.

    As a NR, the price increase against NR is what it is. NR have been exploited for probably as long as GFP's have been around. I'd be a lot more for it if there was a slight increase on the resident side of pricing too. Not asking for the world but it would definitely help ease the pain and there...

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