Yeti GOBOX Collection

Recent content by AntelopeSafari

  1. A

    AZ hunter education bonus point

    I'll see you there. Unless I end up deploying in January and have to pull out...
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    Simple question with a really long non answer

    Standard. I still click every “email your congresscritters” link I get from TRCP and RMEF. I don’t expect them to understand the issues, but I want them to hear about them from our side.
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    Congress continues their anti-public land efforts

    Randy, thanks for what you do. I don’t have time to follow everything that congress cooks up, but I appreciate it when people like you point out things like this is the legislative process.
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    Transporting animals across state lines?

    I put it in a cooler with dry ice. Depends on how far you’re going, the temperature and how it’s wrapped. I prefer vacuum sealed-if it slightly thaws it doesn’t make a mess like paper does.
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    Idaho refunds

    My moose refund came through yesterday.
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    Idaho refunds

    Still nothing on my CC and haven’t received a check in the mail either. I just sent them an email. Here’s the address if anyone else is looking for it. [email protected]
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    What montana drawing is in process right now ?

    Pronghorn results aren’t out yet either.
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    Heavy weight ideas for training hikes

    I’m using my 4.5 year old little boy in a Kelty pack I picked up on Craigslist. I’ve got a 2.5 year old that I’ll loan you!
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    Congrats. If you make it down here I’ll buy you a beer. But with today’s high at 111 my wife and I are looking at moving to Boise!
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    Utah Credit Card hits

    UT Antlerless results are out.
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    Butcher costs

    What do you guys do to maintain proof of sex? I’ll be hunting a couple states and bringing a freezer/generator. I’d like to also bring my vac sealer and process the meat down to meal sized cuts. Legal or not?
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    Idaho draw is up

    I feel like I’m in good company with all you fellers. No joy for me either
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    Piñon canyon maneuver site ft carson

    No, but I’ve landed on the dirt LZ there a bunch and I put in for an antelope tag in the next unit over this year.
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    Utah Credit Card hits

    Swing and a miss here

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