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Recent content by 1FastGambler

  1. 1

    If you could live anywhere in Montana or Wyoming.

    Things we are looking for. 1. Elk 2. Mountains 3. Mule deer if possible 4. Public land 5. Tag status general area Special Units if not a 10 year wait Sounds like you should consider SW New Mexico to me.... Quemado, Datil, Reserve, Apache Creek, etc....
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    Bow Hunters

    One of the very best ideas turned in a fortune that I know of is Soff-Cut. They not only received several patents on their product design, but also a patent on early entry concrete sawing. What you patent and how it's patented is where and how a small fortune can be turned into a huge fortune.
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    Romney/Ryan/GOP Platform: End Hunting in the West

    ROTFLMFAO!!! Mr. Dicky Normous, I read your post and started laughing at your description of Jose. I pictured him as such, but also about 5' - 2-1/2" tall with a serious case of "little man syndrome". And then...... A few moments later it dawned on me what your user name meant. My guts hurt...
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    Romney/Ryan/GOP Platform: End Hunting in the West

    Listen Jose... 1st off, you did not answer a direct question. Judging by your "South of the Border" info in your profile I think it's safe to say you are a Mexican national, right? If someone from another country wants to come to America to see and enjoy the vast amounts of public land we have...
  5. 1

    Just for you Jose

    Now THAT'S FUNNY!!!
  6. 1

    Romney/Ryan/GOP Platform: End Hunting in the West

    Really? Jose, are you even an American Citizen? How on Gods green earth anyone could support Barrak Hussain Obama is BEYOND ME! I would MUCH rather sell off some public land than see that Liar have one more day to destroy this great nation. Our Debts MUST be paid off. Thank you Mr. Barrak...
  7. 1

    Petiton to bar OYOA from airing

    That there my friends is how we ended up where we are today. The welfare system encourages freeloaders to proliferate exponentially. Just how good of an education do you think these people are getting in the concrete jungles? Kids learn from parents, siblings, and mentors. Who do you think...
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    Sponsor reply to an OYOA supporter

    Mike Ellig I have not yet had the pleasure to meet Mike Ellig in person, but I have been talking to him for the last 2 years via email and a few phone calls about elk hunting and politics. Mr. Ellig is without a doubt a great and honorable man and I very strongly support him, his companies and...
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    Made in the USA

    I thought we were talking about "Made In America"...? How did wolves impact products made in America? My comment about the American way, was intended to be in refrence to the American Entrepreneur. About arm wrestling Jesus.... I may be old, but I'm NOT that old! Besides, he probably would...
  10. 1

    Made in the USA

    Yep... ALL that wealth keeps concentrating all right, How do you think the Labor Unions are able to spend millions & millions of dollars paying off lobbyists, getting laws passed that further stretch their wallets? Are you seriously defending labor unions? If so, why exactly?
  11. 1

    Truck tires

    Michelin LTX M/S2
  12. 1

    Made in the USA

    I too try to buy American whenever possible and/or buy locally. My opinion of the root causes that are destroying the American way in order of importance: 1. Labor Unions - Have driven labor cost thru the roof which in turn increase the cost of products. 2. Illegal Imigration - Has caused the...
  13. 1

    I'm your huckleberry!

    Randy, YOU DA MAN! Great stuff! Don opend the door for you with his post and you slammed it shut in his face!! You didn't just hand him an ass hat, you made sure the hat completely consumed him. Nothing left to see but a GIANT ass hat and his goofy clown shoes poking out from underneath...
  14. 1

    Broadheads for Elk?

    Started with Muzzy, played around with expandables and didn't like any of them, when to Montecs, then to Hellrazors and didn't really like them either. I'm now using Slick Trick standard 125g heads & am very happy with them. Muzzy's are good for the price, but if you're anal about quality...
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    I'm your huckleberry!

    Randy, I thank you sincerely for everything you've done regarding this debate. Your time and resources have not been in vain. The fruits of your efforts will come to bear with the shinning beacon of light that their reffusal to provide you full disclousure to their financial statements has shed...