PEAX Equipment

Mexican Standoff With a Mountain Lion

Gerald Martin

Well-known member
Jul 3, 2009
Some dangerous wildlife encounters occur where you least expect them! I was over at my neighbor's shop yesterday when we heard his dogs going crazy outside. I got outside before him and headed up the hill where the dogs were looking. To my horror and surprise this lion popped out of the brush and came straight for me. We saw each other at just about the same time and he froze as I dove for this sorry excuse for a weapon, (the only stick I could see.) My neighbor Itsa H. was just a bit cooler headed than I was,(perhaps because I was between him and the lion!) and caught this terrifying moment on his camera just before the cat whirled and ran back up the hill. Seconds later it was just like nothing ever happened. I'm not ashamed to say I screamed like a little girl and my legs were knocking together after that encounter. Thankfully, everything turned out okay and my shorts will be just fine after a good laundry session. Photo credit- Itsa Hoxe


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You realize that you have peaked early in the outdoor experience photo category, don't you? You'll never get a cooler photo of yourself.
I believe your friend took a picture of my state record whitetail a couple of years ago, but I gotta admit his photography skills are vastly improving. Great photo!
And if I ever kill a mountain lion, I might be calling you for advice.
Wow. That will get your attention. Amazing to see a lion that bold, in the middle of the day.
Gerald, you made my wife's night when she saw that pic on FB. I think that cat thought you might be a little too chewy, smelled a little off, and thought maybe a nice whitetail doe might make a better lunch.
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