Wolf Twist #4

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Finally, the admission by Big Game Forever, (or Big Game For us as one guy calls them), that they were working behind the scenes to kill these bills. Here is their press release showing their defense of what they were doing.

Still nothing that disputes their behind the scenes efforts to kill the bill, just them complaining that no one wants to play with them. And claiming how inaccurate the press release was from NRA, et al.

If they were not doing what NRA said, you think they would refute that in this release. Evidently it is OK to screw hunters if you are doing it in "private communications."

Big Game Forever Responds to NRA, SCI, CSF Release

Big Game Forever is grateful for the generous support received from sportsmen across the country advocating Congressional action to delist America's wolf populations. We understand that lack of wolf management in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan are a major concern not only for the people of these states but for all Americans. Big Game Forever has worked tirelessly to allow the return of America's wolf populations to state wildlife managers and restore balance within the ecosystem. We strongly feel that these goals are consistent with providing ongoing state wildlife protections for wolf populations.

Big Game Forever has made every attempt to be inclusive by working with other organizations in this effort. We are grateful for the immense support by the public, members of Congress and sportsmen conservation groups in support of wolf delisting legislation. This support has been important to the progress in Congressional legislative efforts.

Big Game Forever was disappointed by the inaccurate press release issued by National Rifle Association, Safari Club International and The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (the "Joint Press Release") regarding Big Game Forever and Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife. The Joint Press Release focused on private communications that were purportedly leaked to the public. We welcome the opportunity to set the record straight. The draft communications from Big Game Forever were sent to a very limited group of trusted individuals. Any dissemination was without the permission or knowledge of Big Game Forever. Additionally, such draft communications were not only preliminary and non-final in nature, but were prepared in an effort to increase collaboration based on conversations with third parties. At no point was Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife involved with the preparation or distribution of any of these communications. To the best of our knowledge these communications have not been distributed to the public. While we cannot control the actions of third parties, Big Game Forever has acted in good faith and has attempted to address concerns as they were expressed. Big Game Forever was surprised by the tone and content of this very public press release as we had no indication that this matter had not been resolved privately.

Big Game Forever takes its role very seriously in educating the public and elected officials of the science and common sense policies of proper wildlife management. We welcome the opportunity to once again look past divisiveness and refocus our energies on the needs of sportsmen, livestock producers, wildlife and the citizens of America. We welcome the collaboration of any and all groups who are willing to work together to address the challenges presented by unmanaged and no longer endangered wolf populations.

Ron Fox (801) 608 - 3745 or [email protected]

Here is the direct link.


No admission from SFW as to what they were doing behind the scenes.
"Yeah, but those communications were private. ..nobody else was supposed to find out".

Sounds like a good agrument/rebuttal to me.
They are in full scale attack mode at this time. I get copied or forwarded some of the strangest emails. The one below is one of the strangest I have been forwarded in a long time.

This seems so becoming of a person who runs a 501(c)(3) organization. Isn't their prohibitions on political activities of the non-profit groups?

To All,

Rep. Mike Simpson is a RINO and frequent saboteur of conservative causes. Sen. Jon Tester is a pro-holocaust forest destroyer and darling of the Earth First! monkey-wrencher crowd. Sen. Max Baucus is the single most corrupt, bribe-taking member of Congress.

This unholy troika seeks to undermine wolf delisting and ensure endless litigation. They wish to thwart HR509 and S249, which would delist gray wolves nationwide.

HR509 and S249 are supported by Representatives and Senators from over 30 states. Those bills are on the verge of passage. Simpson/Tester/Baucus are attempting to backstab those bills through cynical maneuvers.

Don’t be fooled by the Unholy Troika!

It is appalling that organizations such as the NRA and SCI are supporting Simpson/Tester/Baucus. We really don’t need to be backstabbed by those pseudo-conservative lobbyist groups, either. If you are a member, please withdraw your support and cut off their funding.
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is the dumbest thing conservative conservationists could do right now.

See: http://westinstenv.org/wildpeop/201...mine-judge-johnsons-ruling-on-wyoming-wolves/

Comments are welcome.

Mike Dubrasich, Exec Dir W.I.S.E.
33862 Totem Pole Rd.
Lebanon, OR 97355

The Western Institute for Study of the Environment is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational corporation and a collaboration of environmental scientists, resource professionals and practitioners, and the interested public.

Our mission is to further advancements in knowledge and environmental stewardship across a spectrum of related environmental disciplines and professions. We are ready, willing, and able to teach good stewardship and caring for the land
What is really strange to me is that some of these groups think that conservation is partisan.

As we've seen this session, some of the strongest, most committed sportsmen conservationists have not fallen in to projected party dogmas. People like Ryan Zinke (R-Whitefish) have broken party lines to vote with hunters and anglers, and folks like Kendall Van Dyk (D-Billings) have been standing up for sportsmen for the last 10 weeks.

Perhaps it's fitting that this marks the 100th anniversary of TR being run out of the Republican party, and forming the Bull Moose party.

As for the 501(C) 3 designation, you can lobby for specific bills, but you cannot advocate one candidate over another. A (C)3 is dedicated to education, w/ a cap of your annual budget being allotted for lobbying. It's a fine line that some NGO's cross.
Well, a few of the paid staff have showed up to post and/or defend quotes like this one:

I posted a message from Ryan Benson that explains this Simpson/Tester/Baucus Bill pretty well. The thing that I don't like about it is the bill may have a negative impact on other states trying to manage the gray wolf once delisted. I am all for MT and ID to do what is good for them but not at the expense of the other states

The mission has been accomplished. They Kool-aid drinkers and SFW/Big Game For Us have made it very clear that they are the ones working to kill anything other than their bill. They have made it very clear their level of hypocrisy when it comes to states rights.

Everytime they post something, it is better than if I had said it myself. When I say it, it is merely a possibility. When they post it, they prove it to be fact.

This one is a good one, also.

OK i'll admit it I am afraid of the Simposon/tester bills passing.

The "Why" becomes a complete explanation of how the advisors to the WY Wolf Coalition have banked on MT and ID continuing to be pawns in their strategy, and now if we are released from captivity and allowed to go our own way, the entire plan comes tumbling down.

Friggin' Hilarious.
If you support more compromise, and more lies, and a federal government with a dismal record of wildlife management, support the groups that are in with the Simpson, Tester legislation. I hope that behind the scenes these groups are not working against a true solution in wolf reform.

I get a kick out of this one. I know of only 2 groups working behind the scenes to kill any wolf legislation. Funny, but not really.