His first buck!


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2001
North Dakota
Where to start? On the 18th of September my youngest took his first ever deer, a nice whitetail doe and now this past Friday night after football practice my oldest boy was able to harvest his first buck with the help of a generous friend. It just doesn't get any better then seeing the smile on your kid's face when they attain their goal.

The friend I mentioned above was kind enough to offer my son a chance to take a mule deer, something we don't have where we hunt so my son was stoked. Grandpa borrowed my son his rifle and tagged along for part of the hunt but sadly wasn't there when the buck was shot though he did make a 140 mile one way trip to our place the next day to see the deer in person.

Back to the story, after football practice my son dressed in the vehicle as we hurried out for a quick evening hunt. The pressure was on as our host would not be able to tag along Saturday or Sunday, which was the last day of the youth season. We ended up spotting two bucks at three-quarters of a mile away and then proceeded to make a mile long stalk that got us within 234 yards of the buck without them knowing we were there. An offhand, sitting shot with his grandpa's .270 Winchester dropped the buck in his tracks.

The happy hunter.

Note the kicker off the back fork. He also has an inch long point off the front of each burr.

Even though this shot is fuzzy I just wanted to show you it wasn't dark when he shot the buck but it was about sundown and it started raining as soon as I got a couple of pictures taken. I REALLY wish I could have gotten some better pictures without the flash but I had no tripod and was a bit too excited to be very steady shooting offhand.


Same pose with the flash.

Anyway, just thought I would share this wonderful hunt with you folks.

Congrats to your son on a great looking mulie!!! It appears he is pretty happy with his buck.
That is an excellent first buck or any buck! Love to see the youngsters out there being successful. I am sure he is hooked for life. I am sure you had a similar smile.
Bwana.. Great pictures and a fantastic first buck for your son! Bet both you and Granpa were smiling just as much if not more. Congrats to all for keeping the tradition alive and passing it on.
That is a dandy buck, congrats to your son and to Father for being so excited. Very nice.
Great buck and great smile from the lil' Bwana. Tell him from the looks of the picture he is steadier shooting off hand than dad is !

I have some great memories of deer hunts where the soreness from football during the hunts was more memorable than the hunt itself. Glad he was able to fit both activities into the same day.
Nuthin better than a big 'ol happy smile on a young hunter. Great father & son stuff there.
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