Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Lack of Supplies=Short Trip


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2005
Take a kid hunting is what I always say around my father. He just laughs. He loves to go but does not take it anywhere as serious as his offspring. His trip preparations are less than ideal. I should have paid more attention but I was tired of packing and let him take care of it.

We had a successful party application in Wyoming for Lope. Didn’t have the time to go until last Friday. After a 6 hour drive from home we get there around 11:00am. We took 2 vehicles as it was suppose to be bad weather and the Old man was afraid of getting stuck. So I am driving down the gravel looking for a place to set up a camp and we come across a lope 100 yards off the road. The old man gets out of the truck and off the road. Lope doesn’t even look at us. I tell him he looks decent but I think we can do better with 2 ½ days left. I get up and go to my vehicle to look at the map. That is when I hear…………………BANG. Dead Lope 11:15am. Took care of the guessing part the Old Man says.

Getting the coolers and such ready is when I notice the problem. The Old Man only brought a 6 pack of beer for a 3 day Lope hunt. I was more than a little concern at this point. What if we became stranded in the mud due to the weather? It was supposed to snow a “measurable amount”. We each had one while dressing his Lope and that left only 4 more?!?!?!?!?!?!.

All these things are going through my head as we set up the tent and have a late lunch (no beer). I spot a few Lopes as we drive around. Most are average Lopes. We finally find one fairly close to a nice deep draw that I can use to try and get my stalk on. It went fairly easy and when the time came, I knew I couldn’t pass him up…………………. due to our beer situation.

It was nice to find out my 2007 M&M (Miss and Maim) season continues. Luckily he was a slow witted lope and allowed me to shoot 3 freaking times.

Back at camp we eat dinner and polish off the beer(Him 1/2, me 3). Relieved, that we will not become a statistic, stranded in the Red Desert without refreshment. It was snowing the next morning but luckily we were on our way.

All I can say is be careful out there and please be more prepared than we were.

Man when I resize pics they are crapo. Cheap camera?


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Nice Lopes! Good thing you guys got the shooting taken care of on the first day or your hunt could have turned tragic real fast!
One 6-pack for an antelope hunt?! That is some seriously bad planning. Glad it all worked out in the end.
Thank the baby jesus, another crisis averted.
Your pops goat looks pretty cool. any other photos?
"BANG! That takes the guess work out of it" is a line I've heard from my father as well...
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