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Last red hunt for the season


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
The stags have cast now but I managed to get out for one last hunt a couple of weeks ago for red deer.

My gsp worked well and ended up leading me straight to this bloke. I jumped him from his bed and took a hurried shot, ended up being younger than I'd have liked to harvest but has made for great eating!


Time to dust off the bow and start chasing foxes and hares over the warmer months.
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Nice looking "southern elk" ! Congrats! Please tell us about that second dish, looks like a pot-pie of sorts? Have a recipe to share?
Thanks all!

Nice looking "southern elk" ! Congrats! Please tell us about that second dish, looks like a pot-pie of sorts? Have a recipe to share?

Yeh similar to a pot pie, it's a meat pie which is a very popular aussie dish. It's meant to come out of the red dish as all the filling is enclosed but I broke the pastry trying so had to leave it in.

Happy too share the recipe.

I don't really write them down or measure things out properly just throw in what feels about right.

Venison and guiness pie

700ish grams of stewing venison cut into good sized chunks
1 can guiness
1 cup beef stock
Flour (salted and peppered for venison)
1 large brown onion
2 Bay leaf
3 garlic cloves (crushed)
1-2 rasher streaky bacon
2 carrot chopped
1/3 of a chopped up celeriac (can use celery but I prefer celeriac, more depth of flavour)
Few sprigs of thyme and rosemary
1 good sized mushroom (chopped)
Couple of splashes of Worcestershire sauce
1 can crushed tomato's
1 roughly diced turnip (optional)
3/4ish teaspoon smoked paprika
Chili flakes or diced Chili to taste
Table spoon brown sugar.

Put some olive oil in a pan over a medium low heat and add diced up onion along with crushed garlic. You don't want it to brown, just soften and the garlic to get a bit aromatic. Add in diced up bacon, table spoon of butter and vegies and cook on medium low for another five mins or so stirring occasionally. Put aside for a minute after done.
Meanwhile in a big bowl mix some salt and pepper with flour and coat meat. Transfer to pan on medium heat and brown meat on all sides.

Put veggies and meat into slow cooker set to high, pour in remaining ingredients and leave for about 4 hours. Once nearly done if it's still a bit runny, whisk some cornflour with water or if you want some extra flavour mix some gravy powder with hot water and add to stew. It'll thicken up a bit here.

Now just line your shortcrust pastry in a greased pie dish, serve in some pie mixture and top with some puff pastry then egg wash and crimp the pastry together. Egg wash the the top of the pastry to give it that beautiful golden colour.

30-40 mins in an oven at 180 deg (that's Celsius not Fahrenheit) and it should be perfect. Put a cooling rack or dish cloth on top of the pie, invert it and give thebottom a gentle tap and if the pastry is cooked right and not stuck to the outside edge on the top it should plop out and there you have a perfect aussie pie.
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