Hi From WY


New member
Jun 26, 2016
Hi Folks,
I'm a resident of Lander, WY. Love to archery hunt, catch big lake trout, fly fish, and really any kind of fly fishing. I'm a teacher and artist. I joined this forum to talk hunting, and discuss some of the political issues affecting us here in the West, especially dealing with the public land grab.
From one teacher who loves to hunt and fly fish to another, welcome to the forum. Looking forward to your pics of big game, big fish and great art. What is your favorite medium?
Hey all, thanks for the welcome (and thanks Randy for the assistance getting signed in)! Sawtooth, picking a favorite medium is hard, but I'll say oils and watercolor. Here are a few pics that tell a little more about me, including a few fish, some artwork, and two of last archery season's animals. I don't want to solicit, but I am happy to share my website with folks, because it has some photo galleries and things that help better introduce who I really am. Also, I have recently taken up quite an interest in the public land transfer issues Randy has been addressing, and will be looking for some feedback from the fine folks on here concerning this. Anyway, if so inclined my website is: www.zachevenart.com

36 pounder from last week:

My kids and I:

Paint them and they will come ;) I painted a seven point bull last summer, and shot a seven point bull with my bow in Sept!



More of my art:

Anyway, thanks again for the warm welcome, and look forward to participating in the forum!