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MOGA, RMEF, and Randy Newberg

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Well, since the last four days of my life have been made very difficult by a few fringe elements in the Montana Outfitter and Guides Association (MOGA), I am going to post what has been going on. Makes me wonder if all the MOGA members know a few of their leaders are willing to use their organization to engage in their personal battles.

Seems MOGA is trying to split the hunting community and forcing RMEF to chose between guided hunters and non-guided hunters. Seems have me as one of the twenty-four board members of RMEF is more than MOGA can stand.

A few on the MOGA board are upset with my representation of our audience when testifying at the legislature, and the shrinking grip they have on the legislature. Appears desparate times call for desparate measures.

Below is an email that was sent to every RMEF board member and RMEF management. Also was sent to the state outfitter associations across the west, with WYOGA being the only other association who has joined MOGA.

This effort by MOGA prompted other emails and phone calls followed where outfitters informed RMEF of action if RMEF went forward with my nomination. Those threats covered the spectrum of pulling donations, not attending banquets, dropping memberships, etc.

This effort, an effort most would classify as extortion, seems to be the way the fringe operates these days. Personal agendas of a few within an organization allows them to go so far as to use RMEF and the RMEF mission as a tool of leverage to try take another whack at me and the viewers/readers I am asked to represent.

The good news is that RMEF has asked me to keep my position and continue advocating as I have in the past. They are not about to let any group hold them hostage. RMEF will not be drawn into attenpts by a few disgruntled outfitters who want to split the hunting world.

I have told RMEF that I have not yet finalized what I will do. The goal, mission, and work of RMEF is far more important than my board position.

Since this MOGA effort has now been spread across much of Montana, with my CPA clients and landowner friends being told of the MOGA plan with peculiar frequency, I don't have many options other than to speak out and start pushing back.

This has been going on since Wednesday. I have waited to post until now, though by Friday, I was getting calls from landowners and clients, asking what the hell was going on.

I waited for RMEF to digest what this was about and what was being asked of them. It became very obvious, very early, that MOGA had "stepped in it" by trying to extort RMEF. The reply of RMEF and their board makes me even more proud that they would ask me to be part of the Board of Directors.

For those of you who are as disgusted with the effort by MOGA, I hope you will give RMEF your support for not being held hostage by this group of fringe operators who have now gained control over the MOGA board of directors.

Looks like MOGA has taken the gloves off in their desparate and continuing effort to control the hunting of 180,000 hunters in Montana and the 195,000 members of RMEF. I am now taking my gloves off and rolling up my sleeves. Things are going to get real interesting, real fast.

If you are as tired of these continue attempts by MOGA to split the hunting community and drive a deeper wedge between hunters and landowners, I hope you will take actioin. Share this thread on as many websites as you can. Post a link on your Facebook page.

It is time to stomp out this craziness. Hopefully the many good guys within MOGA will read this and will ask some questions of how their organization was drawn into such a mess by a few in leadership positions.

Please let RMEF know how you feel about their decision. In today's world, when extortive tactics seem to be effective, RMEF stood tall and is supporting my nomination, thereby supporting the bigger goal of a united hunter community; thereby rejecting efforts of those who put personal agendas above the important work of conservation, habitat, and access, and most importantly, refusing to be held hostage.

More to follow. Lots more.

From: MOGA [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:28 AM
To: montana outfitters and guides assoc.
Subject: RMEF Board Appointments

Individual Outfitters from several states have expressed concern over the possible appointment of Randy Newberg to the Board of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Randy is a TV show host and has consistently projected a “do-it-on –your own” theme. However, Randy is affiliated with, and often represents one or more organizations that some perceive to be anti-outfitting/landowner often presenting the western Outfitting Industry in a negative light.

Montana based Outfitters, many of whom provide significant donations to RMEF that sustain the organization, are questioning the wisdom in this appointment. They have indicated they may withdraw donations to RMEF if the appointment goes through. It is our understanding that the appointment is not final and will not be until later this month.

Many have called our office asking how they make their views known to the leadership of RMEF. In response to that request I am providing the following email addresses. Please direct your individual comments to these leaders of RMEF.

John Cade
Outgoing chairman
[email protected],

Lee Swanson from WI
Incoming chairman
[email protected]

Charlie Decker
[email protected] .

Below are the RMEF Directors from the western states. We do not have contact information, however many of you will know these folks personally and it may be worth a call.

Dennis Radocha
Boise, ID

Chuck Roady
Bonners Ferry, ID

Keith Ward
Huson, MT

Glenda Wilson
Cody, WY

Terry Sweet
Grand Junction, CO

George McCoy, Ph.D.
Las Cruces, NM

Mac Minard
Executive Director
Montana Outfitters and Guides Association
5 Microwave Hill Road
Montana City, MT 59634
406 449-3578 office
406 439-2059 cell
[email protected]
Seems the Wyoming guys are willing to risk their good names on behalf of a few fringe operators in MOGA. Here is their email. Attached to the WYOGA email was the same MOGA email shown in post #1.

This WYOGA email then resulted in a the same pressure on RMEF chapters in Wyoming, as it did in Montana. Wonder if the Wyoming guys know what a personal vendetta they have been asked to participate in.

Good news is that I got a call from a member of the Idaho Outfitter and Guides Association this morning. His organization got the same email as did WYOGA. He is the first person to call, among all the outfitters who are participating in this effort. He has watched our show and wanted to know the other side of the story, given he has not seen an "anti-outfitter" message in our show.

Not sure what the IDOGA will do, but at least they took the time to hear both sides before joining the herd mentality.

From: Laurie Marcovitz [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 11:13 AM
Cc: Gilliland, Sy; Pollard, Terry
Subject: FW: RMEF Board Appointments


Hi! Below is an email I received from MOGA. This email is extremely important and needs your attention. This is in regards to the possible appointment of Randy Newberg to the Board of RMEF. I have been asked by Sy and Terry to forward this to you along with other WYOGA members who are also heavily involved with RMEF. The email explains in detail why he should not be appointed and also who to contact with your comments.

If you have any questions, please contact Sy at 307.259.4168 or Terry at 307.367.6539.


Laurie A. Marcovitz - Administrator
Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association
PO Box 2650
Casper, WY. 82602
307-265-2523 FAX
[email protected]
Keep up the good work Randy. MOGA continues to show their disdain for public land DIY hunters who carry the majority of the load. I'll definitely be giving RMEF my continued support.
Crazy. I've never heard any anti-outfitting talk on your show..just talk of preferring to do it on your own. I don't understand why they would be so anti-Randy. You have done a lot of work that helps their business..even if the show portrays doing it on your own. I guarantee there have been people watch your show and want to go on a guided hunt "out west" because of it. The other work I know you have done to promote hunting is also beneficial to their industry. Maybe they are just mad that you aren't giving them your business for another canned TV Show?
Good job to RMEF for not giving in. It gives RMEF a lot of credibility for standing up for what they believe in.
Keep up the good work RMEF and Randy!
Wow, how low can you go? Apparently just ask the MOGA chairmen and they will show you these emails. A look on the MOGA website shows there are around 270 +/- MOGA represented outfitters in the state, while only 40 are listed as direct contributors to RMEF, where is their weight with RMEF? I believe the RMEF needs guys like Randy on the board of directors, whether MOGA likes it or not. Best of luck Randy.
I hope the hunting world sees this for the cheap shot it is, With all the anti-hunting crap out there this is truly a foolish move on their part. RMEF is good to see this ploy for what it is....hell has no fury like a hunter scorned.
Also noticed that Rob Arnaud is the Pres-elect. I always though Rob was a pretty intelligent and reasonable guy. Interesting that he's behind this.

I'm anxiously awaiting the opportunity to see the rest of the emails.
Also noticed that Rob Arnaud is the Pres-elect. I always though Rob was a pretty intelligent and reasonable guy. Interesting that he's behind this.

I'm anxiously awaiting the opportunity to see the rest of the emails.

In 2012, Rob was President-elect of MOGA, and I think he became President as of 01/01/2013. Rob is also on the Board of Directors of MT-SFW. I have met with Rob many times, on many issues.

MOGA and SFW have become almost two of the same in their testimony on bills, or their absence when most all the other hunting groups are testifying against bills. Not sure if that is coincidence or intentional

Randy Newberg has been in many skirmishes with SFW as they try to dismantle the wildlife management models. Both here in Montana and with SFW in other states. SFW loves to take their shots at RMEF, whenever the opportunity is provided.

Most recently, SFW testified in favor of a bill for testing and slaughtering elk in the Montana units around Yellowstone National Park and for lowered elk numbers in those units that are already way below historic levels. I testified against that bill, while SFW supported it. The hearing on that bill was the week before this MOGA email went out.
Randy, I'm glad that you decided to go public with this, and I hope that you do not step away from the nomination. I can't imagine how MOGA could possibly feel threatened by you holding one of 24 Board positions with the RMEF. This sounds like a lame attempt at a swing below the belt by MOGA, using the "I'll take my ball and go home" tactics of a 3rd grader.

Also noticed that Rob Arnaud is the Pres-elect. I always though Rob was a pretty intelligent and reasonable guy. Interesting that he's behind this.

He's also on the Board for SFW-MT. I wonder if that has anything to do with this? *Edit: Randy posted faster than me.

It is good to hear that RMEF is standing up for the unguided majority of hunters and not bowing to this threat by MOGA. I just took my WY bighorn sheep application money for this next week and upgraded my RMEF membership to Life.
well, been debating on whether to join RMEF. not any more. be sending the dues in next week. anyone know any good outfitters that are not members of MOGA? will have to ask that question if I ever go on an elk hunt.:D

stay the course Randy.
From an outfitter who shall remain nameless. I never expected he would engage in efforts to try extort RMEF, but I guess I was wrong.

Seems I was premature in emailing his buddy a couple weeks ago, specifically mentioning the author of this email, thanking them for the variety of opinions provided by the Montana outfitters out here on this website. In that message, I stated that differences of opinions are good and help give all of us perspectives we might not normally see.

Evidently differences of opinion are only appreciated if they are of the opinion of this outfitter. The underlines are my emphasis.

I suspect RMEF has a lot more to lose by engaging in the hunter-fracturing activites of MOGA, than what this guy's hunts might bring.

Date: February 13, 2013 8:56:18 PM MST
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: Mr. Newberg

I have been made aware of the upcoming appointment of Randy Newberg to the RMEF Board of Directors. I am a Montana landowner, cattleman and owner of an outfitting business that operates in Eastern Montana. Through reading Mr. Newberg's "Hunttalk" forums I have been very aware of his agendas against landowners as well as outfitters. He leads the charge against private property rights and frowns upon outfitters because he feels that it is wrong that they "make a profit off of publicly owned game animals", when in all reality he is doing nothing different with his TV program, On Your Own Adventures.

In the past, I have donated hunts to the RMEF chapter in Billings, MT. I truly enjoyed those hunts as well as the people that I met while doing them, and I felt that the funds were going to a very good organization with outstanding intentions. I don't feel that Mr. Newberg's agendas are the same as those of RMEF and would not represent your organization like it should be represented. I can truthfully say that if he was appointed to your board, my hunt donations, or any other donations would be stopped, strictly for the fact of what he stands for.

Thank you.
Pretty sad all the way around. God forbid anyone would bother to fight for access for the unwashed public.
While many find it odd that WYOGA and MOGA would stoop to this level, it doesnt surprise me at all.

Most of the hunting public that has dealt with them have come to expect this kind of crap. Its all about whats best for their bottom line, and frankly they dont care about the average hunter, dont care about conservation, and dont really care about wildlife. What little concern is shown to them regarding the previous three items, is only enough to keep their businesses lucrative and to keep average guys from kicking them to the curb.

Well, after this little display of childish and irresponsible behavior, a couple things are going to change.

1. I will be joining the RMEF and be a supporter assuming that they continue down the road of standing up to this type of bullchit from the likes of WYOGA and MOGA. I applaud the RMEF and their leadership for not allowing either of these two fringe groups to reject Randy's appointment. The RMEF, and conservation, has only happened BECAUSE of the DIY, average guys, who have carried the conservation message and paid the ENTIRE way for it happen.

2. I will not defend a single thing that either WYOGA or MOGA support...ever again. I will work tirelessly to see that neither of these groups have a voice in game management, hunting, or conservation again. If they want to threaten conservation groups like the RMEF over who they choose to represent their organization, then I'll repay the favor in kind.

This is clearly a low-life move...and I treat people/groups as they treat others.

Both the WYOGA and MOGA have crossed an ethical line and they both deserve every ounce of the negative fall-out they'll get on this thing.

Nice work WYOGA and MOGA, you've just made yourselves more insignificant than you already are.


Again, I want to applaud the RMEF and Randy for standing up and representing the average DIY hunter and not allowing this childish behavior from MOGA or WYOGA to influence the conservation/wildlife mission. Well done Randy and RMEF...cant think of a better partnership.
make a profit off of publicly owned game animals", when in all reality he is doing nothing different with his TV program,

Greenhorn's buddy doesn't endorse you? How sad. Wonder if he'll show up here to defend his comments.
When people tell me that it's sportsmen causing all the problems with Landowner-sportsmen relations, I have to shake my head and point at 77 introduced bills that deal with wildlife issues in 2013; over 150 from 2011, and the continued attempts to take the right of the public away from our public lands and waters. I-161 was a grassroots outpouring of resentment against the Outfitting community and their attitude. Now, it's the outfitting industries rally cry that they're being unfairly targeted.

The ties with SFW, BGF and other fringe groups who have advocated for issues that the average hunter cannot abide is enough evidence to prove that the collusion between these groups is not for the benefit of wildlife, or for the benefit of the average hunter.

To quote Malcom X, We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us.

Good on RMEF for standing up against extortion. I'm with Buzz, I've never been a member of RMEF and have even gotten into some heated conversations with David Allen, but I'll be a member shortly. This is a gutsy move, and deserves support.

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