Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Montana Spring Bears.. the tally

I have been out about 10 times and have seen zero bears; this is my first season hunting anything so I'm not too surprised at my fortunes so far, but does anyone have any advice? I've been heading out in the evenings and setting up over open/ broken hillsides to glass. I've been hunting throughout the lower Gallatin and Madison ranges... drainages throughout the Storm Castle and Swan Creek areas, the Spanish Creek area near Ted Turner's ranch, and slopes around Mount Ellis and the Mystic Lake area.

I'm not asking for a handout or anything like that; I guess I'd just appreciate some feedback as to whether or not I'm on the right track. Does anyone bear hunt the west side of the Bridgers? I've never heard of anyone bear hunting that area but I'm thinking about giving it a try...


I've seen at least one bear killed in every spot you just mentioned............they are out there, just keep at it..
drainages throughout the Storm Castle and Swan Creek areas, the Spanish Creek area near Ted Turner's ranch, and slopes around Mount Ellis and the Mystic Lake area.

I've seen them in three of the five. I haven't spent anytime in the other two. Like Critter said, if you keep at it, you'll find them.
Haven't been out much but did see a nice bear last week on Wednesday night.

Bear had good size, hide and color but snout looked a little pointy so I was thinking sow and I didn't get enough time to watch her movements to insure it wasn't a sow or a sow with cubs.

I held off shooting thinking I would see the bear the next morning or evening and didn't.

Oh well, better safe than sorry and hope to get out this weekend.

Good luck and nice work to all that have put the smack down on some nice bears.
I'm at a big whopping 3...a sow with two cubs and have been out around 10 days. Pfunk has seen another 3 bears that were in the same area as me just not in my field of view. So far we haven't been able to get lined up on anything but had an awesome 4 day backpack hunt last weekend! It's been a fun season so far just need to get a bear in my scope that isn't over half a mile away... Anyone have a specific call that you use that you like? I have never predator called and would like to get started. Thanks.
18 days, 15 bears, 3 cubs 4 studs. Pretty low numbers for all the evenings I've been out. Hoping for a recovery in the AM of one I saw get shot tonight, a dandy.
Recovery was successful. We must have walked by it several times in the dark and rain. Beautiful black boar..
Dang guys, I must have the worst luck of anyone all year. I've been out more times than I can count and I've only seen one! A small Griz at that. Someone's gotta tell me their secret. I'm thinking I'll have to rub bacon grease all over myself in order to get something to come in so I can shoot it!!
Hey 308, at least you have been out hunting. There is no spring bear season in NY so I need to get on here everyday and see how all of you are making out.
d-bone, I know what you mean. I do the same thing with people who hunt moose. The chances of drawing a tag here in Montana are the same as winning the lottery and a date with Carrie Underwood in the same day, so I live vicariously through others!!
Here's field photos of two bears so far. Hopefully some more action this weekend.

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My son (or millers) who's 5 saw the second pic and asked ,"What's that?" while pointing to the lower right of the pic.

"Those are the bear's testicles", I replied (wife's in the medical field, so yes that's what we have to call them).

"I can see the bears NUTS" was all I heard before he left the room giggling to himself.
Well my season ended last night. I found a big Dark chocolate boar at 730 last night and by the time I got to the meadow he was gone.

It was a good season. I saw way to many blacks and really wanted a color phase. total count on bear sightings was 31. All black color except for 4.
This is my brother's bear. It fell in the creek when he shot it- that is why it is so wet. It had a beautiful hide.

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I'll remember the yellow flowers tomorrow. I have killed one small boar (my first) in a field full of those flowers but only saw him for about 3 seconds before shots were fired. Didn't put two and two together until just now.
21 days.. still at 15 bears.. fewest sightings in a spring for me ever. I love the springs when the snowpack is high and the obvious places where bears must feed fill up. Years like this are when having a rancher buddy with a dead cow pile would pay off... a true "spot" and stalk bear. :D

Is anybody else still getting out? I think I've got a couple more days to get out and look before I switch species. Have already seen some elk that will be bombers this fall. Grown up to the royal fork as of last night with big honking first threes..
Here's field photos of two bears so far. Hopefully some more action this weekend.


Didn't realize Mitch was a bear killa too! Nice work Greenie, always impressed with the animals you bring home, whether yourself or with others.

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