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Bear Fat - Good Or Bad?


New member
Aug 31, 2011
Victoria, MN
I've never hunted or eaten bear before. But I am curious as the effect of bear fat on flavor. Seems there are two camps that I read.

One: Bear fat is the most disgusting, foul, acrid, horrific thing you could possibly smell or taste. It must be removed at all costs and thrown far, far away as soon as possible.

Two: Bear fat is one of the best natural oils to cook your meat in. This one comes from watching an episode of Meateater. He shot a black bear and used the fat (rendered down) to fry the bear meat. Said it was incredible.

So what gives? Is bear fat good or should a nuclear strike be called upon the fat pile?

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I have always been very careful to remove all fat from bear meat. I have heard of people rendering bear fat for lard,but I have not tried it.
I trim all fat out of my bear meat,,,it will get a pretty gamey taste in the meat after a few months in the freezer,,,,if no fat the meat will keep very well,,,vac pack is best.
I too trim the fat completely off. It is however when fresh, quite odorless and mild compared to deer. It really has none of the deer musk smell.
I have read that the early settlers used bear fat to make pie crusts and pastries because it's supposed to make light, flaky dough. That being said, I have been told that the fat goes bad quickly when frozen...can't say for sure because again, I remove all of it. Bear is my families favorite game meat.
I always trim all the fat off my bear meat. I have a friend who uses it to make pie crust with and that tasted good but left on the meat IMO is not good at all.
we dont get bears in the UK.
So what does bear meat taste like?
Elk, deer or what?

Nothing like deer or elk IMO. I don't know how to describe it other than bear tastes like bear. The one I shot in Alaska lived off of salmon and surprise, the meat was very fishy smelling (the whole bear was). I wasn't required to remove the meat and I didn't due to the pack out distance involved but I doubt it would have tasted very good. The bears I have killed in MT in the spring are good enough to eat, at that time the diet is largely green grass.
I was asking the same questions a few months ago. After some advise, I trimmed all the fat off that I could and I`m glad I did. It wasn`t the taste but the amount of fat/grease that was in the meat. I will say that the meat was delicious and probably some of the best meat that I`ve tried....just a little greasy.