Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Selling taxidermy mounts


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Have you ever sold any just because you got sick of them and did not want them anymore?
I had some overflow in a local archery shop. A couple fish, a Javalina, a flying turkey, and a Bou. The guy is moving and did not want to take most to the new shop because of wall space at the new place. The Bou and Turkey are space hogs and the Bou is just not that impressive of an animal to me anymore. I am thinking of pawning it off. Not hard to do since it has already been out of my house for close to 8 years.
The wife said any new heads must replace existing ones, and the truth is I agree with her and will just upgrade. They are in my living room and since I don't have a designated trophy room i really don't want my main living space looking like a zoo. I plan on mounting the AZ muzz deer I got this year and replacing an older WT buck. Maybe even sell that mount. I know this would be taboo with some guys but when is enough enough?
I agree with Buzz. I would be looking into an addition on the house before selling any of my mounts. I've got a pile of deer skull caps in my garage from past hunts that I won't even sell. If my living area ends up looking like a zoo, then it's time to buy a bigger house. JMO
I would never sell a mount either. I would cut the rack out and put it in the garage before it came to that.

But others are different. My living area has its problems currently, but I will negotiate that with the wife.

My real storage problems are around 10 freakin dink ass rag bulls that are in the rafters off my fathers shop and a mess of sheds I just can't sell.
I used to think like you guys years ago, and now as I get older I just look at that big box of sheds and dinker racks out in the garage and think "what a waste of space" I have pictures to look at when I want to think back on the old days. Maybe I am just getting bored with some of it as I get older. I just want to see my kid shoot stuff now more than myself.
I hope the Economy has recovered when I soon die (relatively speaking) and Cabelas, Bass Pro, Dicks and whatever follows Sportsmans Wharehouse are in a buying mood!!! My childrens former inheritance is hanging on the wall!!
I would never sell any of my own kills. I have a hard time selling the two point sheds I find. I guess if I ever really needed the money I would sell the sheds but would never sell the kills.

I must say things are getting out of hand (wall/garage/rafter space) and like I posted earlier I tried to think of some space saving tactics. But for now I'll just keep adding to the collection so I know I will be able to fill that large shop I hope to build one day.
I very rarely keep anything I kill. Not sure why but I've always been that way. The only deer racks I have are the first 4 pt I shot and my buck from two years ago. I have gave away all the sheds I've found over the years. I only have 4 or 5 sheds to my name. Before I moved to AK I gave away a truck bed full of elk and deer sheds to a buddy. He doesn't sell them, he just likes to collect them. The only ones I keep are ones that have a special meaning. This year I found two sets of sheds from the same buck within mins of each other. All from the truck with my shed hunting buddy next to me. Even though its a small buck I'll always keep those sheds. I agree with Schmalts, I have the pictures and the memories in my head, and that is enough for me.

IMHO sell them, and you can use the money to make more memories.
I agree with Schmalts, I have the pictures and the memories in my head, and that is enough for me.

IMHO sell them, and you can use the money to make more memories.

My thoughts as well. If they don't mean much to me they would be better sold and put towards a tag or airline ticket
I actually had a guy want to make a replica of a deer that I shot for his own house. He had been "watching" this buck for a couple of years on the winter range and I ended up killing it. I mulled it over and said no. I didnt want to spend a lifetime looking at the buck on my wall knowing that there was another one just like it somewhere else. Maybe that is wierd but I just didn't feel right to me.
I actually had a guy want to make a replica of a deer that I shot for his own house. He had been "watching" this buck for a couple of years on the winter range and I ended up killing it. I mulled it over and said no. I didnt want to spend a lifetime looking at the buck on my wall knowing that there was another one just like it somewhere else. Maybe that is wierd but I just didn't feel right to me.

I see your point, but it would definitely depend on what he is will to pay.:D
Bou mount gone. I did not sell it but did a trade outright for this. I think I did O.K. and it has a rudder too, I think it is neat and always wanted one. I am not sure but I think the "old town" items are not cheap stuff either??


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