Episode Four - Montana Whitetails

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Hard to believe we are plowing through the episodes this fast, that we are already for Episode Four to air this week. Oak, from here on Hunt Talk makes his TV debut, and he will probably have offers for his own show following this performance.

This one will be really cool. I can warn you that this is not your typical whitetail episode. No food plots, no tractors, no tree stands, no bait, no high fences just off camera, or the many other things used to acquire high quality whitetail footage in other shows.

Nope, this is just the National Forest, the thick pines, general tags, and two guys learning a place they have never whitetail hunted before.

When we told the story here on Hunt Talk about this episode, I informed you of a camera issue that ate one of the tapes. Unfortunately, the tape that was tight on the animal. The tape that is tight on me and Oak is what you see in this episode, as it happened from our point of view.

Wish we had that tight shot with the big lens, as that was a great piece of footage. Oh well, that is how it happens when relying on mechanical devices not built for the dirt and dust of the hunting conditions we put them through.

If you want to read the "As it happened" thread, here it is.


Here is a preview clip if you are interested. Episode 4 Teaser

And a pic to tease you even further.

OYOA Randy 29 (1).jpg

Hope you like this one. And with all episodes, feel free to email or contact any of the sponsors at the links below.

Federal Premium Ammunition

Leupold Optics

Otis Technology

Yeti Coolers

Mystery Ranch Backpacks

Kenetrek Boots

And always feel free to let Outdoor Channel know what you like to see.

And if you see a company whose products we use, who are not a sponsor shown on the show or site, send them an email and ask them what they are waiting for.... another high fence penned shooting show? :D
Randy, you and your crew have gotta be pretty darn proud of pioneering a REAL show the true hunter can relate to.

Edited: Too much fanboi banter... Haha! You and your crew get the idea! ;)

Cheers to you and your crew - and cheers to Oak for packing out what looks to be a nice wt! Good stuff guys!
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Fin, I saw the show for the second time a week or so ago and really enjoyed it If you're ever up in area 410 / 700 and need anything, stop in. Heck, I even got wireless high-speed wireless for guests and travelers. Just pull up next to the house and log in. twodot
Fin, I saw the show for the second time a week or so ago and really enjoyed it If you're ever up in area 410 / 700 and need anything, stop in. Heck, I even got wireless high-speed wireless for guests and travelers. Just pull up next to the house and log in. twodot

Thanks for the offer. Depending upon what elk tag they give me tomorrow, I might be up that way. How am I gonna "rough it" with WiFi and similar conveniences?
:D I see they added some audio back in. :D

Good looking co-host. It's about time someone cleaned this show up. ;)
:D I see they added some audio back in. :D

Yeah, I took the advice of some guy who previewed the episode and thought that would give the viewers a little more idea of how asleep I was when you noticed that buck.

Good looking co-host. It's about time someone cleaned this show up. ;)

Hey now, don't be getting carried away with all this. We will let the Hunt Talk crew judge that.
I'm looking forward to this one. I get to finally see Oak in action. Is it Wednesday yet?
I'm looking forward to this one. I get to finally see Oak in action. Is it Wednesday yet?

Yeah, same days and times every week.

Wednesday at 11:00 am
Friday at 10:30 pm
Sunday at 3:00 pm

All times Mountain time and always on Outdoor Channel.
Big Fin,
I think this has been asked before but are any of the episodes going to able to be viewed online.
I am moving in a couple of weeks to stay with the in-laws :( and they don't have the outdoor channel.

Big Fin,
I think this has been asked before but are any of the episodes going to able to be viewed online.
I am moving in a couple of weeks to stay with the in-laws :( and they don't have the outdoor channel.


I wish it was, but the networks do not allow for them to be put online, so long as you are under agreement with them. They want the episodes to be viewed on TV, for obvious reasons.

I am working on trying to get this done, but for the time being, it is not allowed. Sorry.
Awesome episode Fin.

Aside from the lack of overall elevation changes, that's very similar to the hunting I've grown up on.
I kept hearing you refer to how thick it was though... Next year you should try filming an episode in the Clearwater/Swan valley. ;)
I'm looking forward to this one. I get to finally see Oak in action. Is it Wednesday yet?

Hmmmm, are you saying that the episodes with guest hunters along are some of the better shows?
That has been my opinion so far, i think it brings some more realism to the show.
really enjoy season 1 and 2 so far,hunting like real people do. does OYOA have any plans for any oregon shows?I have a mid october muzzleloader elk hunt and muzzleloader deer hunt after that,would wecome randy to come on out.
really enjoy season 1 and 2 so far,hunting like real people do. does OYOA have any plans for any oregon shows?I have a mid october muzzleloader elk hunt and muzzleloader deer hunt after that,would wecome randy to come on out.

Eventually, Yes. Columbia Blacktails are high on my list. Won't happen in the upcoming year, as the tags have mostly been drawn and we have some great hunts to film.

I bailed out of the Oregon limited entry tag game a couple years ago when the application prices kept increasing as the non-resident allocation decreased. I understand why a state would do that to preserve resident opportunity, so not complaining, just a decision I made. I didn't mind letting go of my sheep, deer, and elk points, but it really hurt to release my grasp on those antelope points, as you guys have some great antelope in the SE corner of the state.

Glad you like the show, and we will find our way to the great state of Oregon, eventually. My sister-in-law lives in Springfield, OR and her husband is always on me for the same thing. Some day, I tell him, some day.

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